

Foundation's Team

Guide to good and promising practices aimed at preventing and combating female genital violation and forced marriage / Guide de bonnes et prometteuses pratiques visant à prévenir et à combattre les mutilations génitales féminines et le mariage forcé / دليل الممارسات الجيدة والواعدة الرامية إلى من...

Created by Foundation's Team 2346 days ago

This document contains strategic guidance on the principals and characteristics of an integrated response in preventing, combating and addressing the effects of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and forced Marriages (FM). The guide is mainly addressed to policy makers and public authoriti...

Foundation's Team

Infographic: Violence against women - Facts everyone should know / Infographique : La violence à l'égard des femmes - Ce que tout le monde devrait savoir / إنفوغرافيك عن العنف الموجه ضد النساء و ما على كل العالم أن يعرفه

Created by Foundation's Team 2610 days ago

Weather at home, on the streets or during war, violence against women and girls is a human rights violations of pandemic proportions that takes place in public and private spaces. Violence against women and girls manifests itself in physical, sexual and psychological forms as UN WOMEN e...

Foundation's Team

Country Profile: Female Genital Mutilation in Egypt / Profil du pays: mutilation génitale féminine en Egypte / تشويه الأعضاء التناسلية الأنثوية في مصر

Created by Foundation's Team 2693 days ago

With an FGM prevalence of 87.2% among all women aged 15-49 in a population of nearly 95 million, Egypt has the greatest number of women and girls who have experienced Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) of any country in the world.  The prime purpose of this Country Profile is to impro...

Foundation's Team

Estimation of girls at risk of female genital mutilation in the European Union: Step by step guide / Estimation du nombre de filles risquant de subir des mutilations génitales féminines dans l'Union européenne : guide par étapes / تقدير نسبة الفتيات المعرضات لخطر تشويه الأعضاء التناسلية الأنثوية ...

Created by Foundation's Team 3183 days ago

This guide was developed within the framework of the study on the estimation of the number of women and girls at risk of female genital mutilation (FGM) in selected EU Member States. It sets out the minimum requirements for estimating FGM risk, as well as suggestions to enhance the quality and ac...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

The Arab Association for Human Rights
Ecole Supérieure des Arts Visuels de Marrakech
Nelly Jazra
Center for Women's Studies in Islam (CERFI)
Jordanian Journalist Association
Youth Today Association for Development
Kasdi Merbah Ouragla University
The Libyan Network to Support and Empower Women
Libyan Women Forum (LWF)
Elkhir Women's Association
Association Feminine de Lutte contre le Violence à l'Egard de la Femme et de l'Enfant (AFLCVF)
Assiwar- the Feminist Arab Movement
Association Aspirations féminines
NAWF Women Entrepreneurs
EMUI_ EuroMed University
Tamazight Women Movement
Women'  s Studies Center (WSC)
Community Development and Caring Children with Special Needs Association (SCDA)
União de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta
Brunella Mariani
Africa Women's Forum (AWF)
Jbail- Byblos Municipality
Voix de la Femme Jemmeliya (VFJ)
Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development
Sana Hafsa Consulting Office
Tunisie pionnieres
Assocaition des Femmes Chefs d'Entreprises du Maroc (AFEM)
Portuguese Platform for Women'   s Rights - PpDM (Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres)
Mediterraneo Sociale
Myriem Narjis
Audiopedia Foundation
Forsaan Al-Ghad Youth Association
Women Empowerment Unit in Jerash Municipality
League of Female Executives of the National Union of Tunisian Women
National Association for the defense of rights and freedoms (NADRF)

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The Human Rights of Minority and Indigenous Women

This chapter is part of the International Human Rights book series (IHR). It examines and critiques the human rights project...

Women' s Human Rights in the Maghreb through Strategic Use of the Marriage Contract. Research-Action among Local Authorities on the Use of Marriage Contracts

This report forms part of an initiative aimed at promoting human rights and legal women' s rights through the strategic use of...

Guide to Parity Laws for equal sharing of political professional and social responsibilities

The Guide to Parity is the result of a collaborative effort between members of the High Gender Equality Council, as well as the...

Toolkit to Implement Gender Budgeting within the Belgian Federal Administration

This toolkit aims to inform and raise awareness among Belgian public policy-makers on gender budgeting, a financial aspect of the...

Progress of the world's women 2015-2016: transforming economies, realizing rights

This report proposes an agenda for key policy actors, in order to make human rights for women a lived reality. It focuses on...

Study on the Role of Men in Gender Equality in Portugal

This report examines men’s practices in several fields of social life using qualitative and quantitative data, such as their...

The Care Economy in the Arab States: Towards recognizing, reducing and redistributing unpaid care work - brief

Women play an outsized role in the care economy in the Arab States, performing 4. 7 times more unpaid care work than men –...

World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends for Women 2018 - Global snapshot

The past 20 years have witnessed some progress for women in the world of work and in terms of gender equality in society....

Private Sector, Entrepreneurship and Financial Inclusion Support

This document is a methodological guide for gender mainstreaming in the private sector support, entrepreneurship and financial...

Emerging voices: Young women in Lebanese Politics

The report arises from the holding of a conference in 2010 on the topic of promoting gender equality in Lebanese political...