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They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Silvia Gagliardi
Elham Ibrahim Younis Abdelaal
AMANE – Association Meilleur Avenir pour Nos Enfants
For You Libya Group
Trajectories for Peace and Development
Intermediaries Changing Center for Sustainable Development
Salama's Friends
Center for Study and Research on Human Rights and Migration
Association for the Promotion of Rural Women of Mezzouna
Association Tazghart
Benaz Batrawi
Kayan Masr foundation for Development, Training & Community Participation Support
People’ Rights  Center - Sidi kacem
Faculty of Media & Knowledge Sciences, University of Malta
Mixité et Gouvernance en Méditerranée
Arij Khamis Al Zawi
Rural Women's Development Socity
Genre Culture Diversité et Développement (GCDD)
Women's Network for Mentoring / Networking (RFMN)
European Observatory on Femicide
Independent Researcher
Association Aspirations féminines
Association Feminine de Lutte contre le Violence à l'Egard de la Femme et de l'Enfant (AFLCVF)
Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT)
Association du Développement et des Études Stratégiques de Medenine (ADESM)
Women On Top
Actions in the Mediterranean - AIM
Maysa Hajjaj
Ntic et Citoyennete - Maurifemme
Musawa Women’s Study Center
Association Voix de Femmes Marocaines
Kazan Federal University
Women Programs Centre - Rafah
Association du Docteur Fatiha (ADF)
Roles for Social Change Association (ADWAR)
Association des Filles de la Renaissance

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Shared practices

Women in armed conflicts and disappearances

The successful practice targets Palestinian women who experience violence of the occupation and its repressive practices. They...

Protection of women's rights through concerted actions at national, regional and international levels.

GAF uses legal mechanisms to force the Bulgarian state to meet its obligations regarding the improvement of the role of women in...

Campaign in favour of Parity in Municipal Elections in Tunisia

In 2016, several associations of Tunisian civil society and a few regional and international organizations launched a campaign...

Video capsules - wee.can! women's economic empowerment

The project Wee. Can implemented by M. A. I. S. NGO aims to promote the social and economic empowerment of Syrian refugee...

Gender Equality Awareness Raising against Intimate Partner Violence (GEAR against IPV)

The GEAR against IPV approach is a proposal for systematic intervention in the school (or other) setting, where girls and boys...

Scholarship program for girls in school failure

Many girls from the villages of Upper Egypt are deprived of education and, therefore, they cannot improve their situation or...

Grassroots Activists for Just Peace and Gender Equality

This successful practice targets activists and young university students in 30 locations in the West Bank and Gaza. The...

Strengthening the political participation of Palestinian women

Although Palestinian women have always had an effective role in the Palestinian struggle on the ground, their political...

Eliminating gender violence from media

In strong patriarchal societies, the violence against women is taken as a social norm and there is distorted understanding on...

Soulaliyates women' s right to ownership and enhancing their role in local governance.

Despite the problem of illiteracy among Soulaliyates women, the Fédération de la Ligue Démocratique des...