

Foundation's Team

AG About Gender / AG About Gender / إي جي عن الجندر

Created by Foundation's Team 2308 days ago

AG About Gender is an international journal of Gender Studies with a six-monthly publication that aims to stimulate debate and promote the international dissemination of published contributions on gender issues. It publishes original academic articles in English and Italian. Access to c...

Foundation's Team

What place for women scientists in the university system in Morocco? / Quelle place pour les femmes scientifiques dans le système universitaire au Maroc ? / ما هي مكانة النساء العالمات في النظام الجامعي في المغرب؟

Created by Foundation's Team 2314 days ago

Despite the significant progress made by Morocco in recent years in the area of ​​women’s human rights, the academic sector remains highly unequal: The percentage of women in scientific branches continues to decline as their studies progress. Additionally, women remain underrepresented ...

Foundation's Team

Practical Guide to Improving Gender Equality in Research Organisations / Guide pratique sur l'amélioration de l'égalité femmes-hommes dans les organismes de recherche / دليل عملي لتحسين المساواة بين الجنسين في أجهزة البحث العلمي

Created by Foundation's Team 2343 days ago

This guide focuses specifically on gender inequalities. Based on the sharing of experiences between Science Europe members, this document proposes a variety of approaches to achieving gender equality in the research and research funding field. It highlights examples of good practices an...

Foundation's Team

The Development of Women's Studies and Gender Studies in Scandinavian Social Science / Le développement des études féminines et des études de genre dans les sciences sociales scandinaves / تطور دراسات المرأة ودراسات النوع الاجتماعي في العلوم الاجتماعية الاسكندنافية

Created by Foundation's Team 2355 days ago

Women’s Studies developed as a discipline at the universities in all the five Nordic countries during the 1970s and 80s. Following the strong second wave of feminist mobilization in this period, the pressure for the development of scientific teaching and research about women&rsquo...

Foundation's Team

Conference: Stories and woes of women in the Euro-Mediterranean region / Assistez au colloque du RUSEMEG : Mots et maux des femmes en Euro-méditerranée / قصص وهموم النساء في الأورومتوسط: ندوة جديدة لــ RUSEMEG

Created by Foundation's Team 2414 days ago

The Euro-Mediterranean Academic and Scientific Network on Gender and Women (RUSEMEG) is organizing a conference titled "Stories and woes of women in the Euro-Mediterranean region: accounts, bodies, violence, money" on the occasion of the International Congress of Feminist Research in th...

Foundation's Team

Gender Equality in Academia and Research - GEAR tool / Egalité de genre dans l'enseignement supérieur et la recherche (GEAR) / المساواة بين الجنسين في التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي - أداة GEAR

Created by Foundation's Team 2448 days ago

This tool is targeted at all staff, from the bottom to the top, working in research and higher education institutions. This includes research and teaching staff; human resources, administrative and support staff; middle and top level management. While not directly targeting students, th...

Hala Bugaighis

Ebtikar (Creativity) contest for social leadership / مسابقة ابتكار للريادة الاجتماعية / Le concours Ebtikar (Créativité) pour le leadership social

Created by Hala Bugaighis 2539 days ago

The Jusoor Center for Studies and Development and the Silphium Project in partnership with Ilham Company organize the Ebtikar (Creativity) contest for social leadership. The contest aims to provide a creative environment for young women between 18 and 25 years old to use the necessary t...

Foundation's Team

Le rôle de l'Université dans la promotion des questions liées au genre et aux droits des femmes dans le monde arabe et en Europe méridionale et centrale / دور الجامعة في تعزيز قضايا النوع الاجتماعي وحقوق المرأة في العالم العربي وفي وسط و جنوب أوروبا / The Role of Academia in Promoting Gender and ...

Created by Foundation's Team 2546 days ago

Cette étude répertorie les principaux programmes d’études qui proposent des masters et des doctorats sur le genre dans la région euro-méditerranéenne dans le but d’examiner comment le monde universitaire traite les questions de genre...

Foundation's Team

Researchers and Civil Society to Discuss Migrant Women in the Mediterranean / Séminaire pour explorer le cas de la recherche-action sur les femmes migrantes / ندوة بحثية حول حالة الأبحاث و التدابير المتعلقة بالنساء المهاجرات

Created by Foundation's Team 2559 days ago

What are the possible bridges between the work of gender specialists and that of associations? How can we envisage the articulation between research and active fieldwork? These are some of the questions that the seminar "Promoting Dialogue between Researchers and Actors of Civil Society...

Foundation's Team

Call for essays regarding Sexuality and Gender studies / Appel à soumission de dissertations sur la sexualité et le genre / دعوة للترشح لجائزة عن الدراسات الجنسانية و الجندرية

Created by Foundation's Team 2586 days ago

The Research Center ADHUC-Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat (University of Barcelona) is announcing the third edition of the ADHUC Prize in sexuality and gender studies to reward an essay in this interdisciplinary field of research.  The essays cannot have been made accessible to ...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Daem for Media
Psycho Social Counseling Center for Women (PSCCW)
Libya Women's Forum
Jordanian Journalist Association
Mother's School Association
Genre Culture Diversité et Développement (GCDD)
Réseau Algérien des Femmes d'Affaires (RAFA)
Libyan Women's Union – Tripoli
Libyan Women ORG
Albanian Forum for the Alliance of Civilisations
Regional Center for Dialogue and Mediation (RCMD)
Soroptimist Club Marrakech
Kings Road Association
Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD)
Association of Organisations of Mediterranean Businesswomen (AFAEMME)
Etaf Roudan
Turkey Disable'   s Education and Solidarity Foundation
Réseau des Femmes Solidaires
Al-Thoria Studies Center
Association de Développement Local Méditerranéen (ADELMA)
Organization of Backing Liberal and Social Development (OBLSD)
Roles for Social Change Association (ADWAR)
Observatori Cultural de Gènere
Oxfam Intermon Maroc
Femme Action - Woman Action (A.F.A - A.W.A)
Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation (PYALARA)
EMUI_ EuroMed University
Sarab Center for Culture and Community Arts
Elmehwar Association for Developing the Egyptian Family
Intissar Bendjabellah
Association 100% Mamans
MSA University
Aman Society Centre for counseling, development and community health

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Shared practices

Campaign - Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it.

In partnership with several organisations, the Council of Europe has put together a series of recommendations and documents to...

"Res’Art": The women artisans network of Algerian art

Res Art is a network of women craftswoman of Algerian art submitted by the association Femmes en Communication. The project has...

Plastic recycling female company in Oran

Krim plastico’s company was born to address the issue of environmental damage in the municipality of El bayadh (wilaya of...

Scholarship program for girls in school failure

Many girls from the villages of Upper Egypt are deprived of education and, therefore, they cannot improve their situation or...

Functional Literacy Programme for Women of the Argan Cooperative

With a population of over 32 million, literacy rates in Morocco stand at an average of 56%, representing over 10 million people...

'A Step of hope'Award for short film on women defying social stigma

Life Foundation for development and community integration participated at Alexandria Short Film festival by providing a special...

Excision - Let's talk about it!

The excision of women’s external sexual organ is a violation of their rights and has serious physical and psychological...

Campaign in favour of Parity in Municipal Elections in Tunisia

In 2016, several associations of Tunisian civil society and a few regional and international organizations launched a campaign...

Soap making to support unemployed women in Lebanon

Women make up only 28% of the total labour force in Lebanon According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index 2018,...

Grassroots Activists for Just Peace and Gender Equality

This successful practice targets activists and young university students in 30 locations in the West Bank and Gaza. The...