Created by Heba Adel Sayed 3226 days ago
...رة اجتماعية ينفذها المتدربين بمعاونة فريق من طالبات وطلاب جامعة عين شمس والقاهرة وتقوم المبادرة بعقد لقاء بين المتميزين من المدربين وطلاب الجامعات لبحث سبل تنفيذ ودعم المبادرات الاج...
Contenu type : Events
Created by Foundation's Team 555 days ago
FEMISE has announced a “Call for Papers” leading up to the 2023 Annual Conference 27-28-29 September 2023 in Barcelona, Spain: SHIFTING PARADIGMS: OPPORTUNITIES FOR A DEEPER EU-MEDITERRANEAN INTEGRATION IN A CHANGING WORLD Researchers working on socioeconomic issues in the...
Contenu type : News
Tags : Tags: research, socioeconomic issues, conference, recherche, questions socio-économiques, conférence, بحث, القضايا الاجتماعية والاقتصادية, مؤتمر
Created by Helena González Fernández 1941 days ago
The research Centre on Theory, Gender and Sexuality – ADHUC in Barcelona launched the program of its 4th scientific debate on gender, feminist theory, vulnerability and emotions and their representation in today’s cultural panorama. The seminar will take place on July 12th ...
Contenu type : Events
Tags : Tags: débat, recherche, féminisme, genre, études, master, barcelone, بحث, نقاش, النوع الاجتماعي, نسوية, فكر, ماجستير
Created by Dr Elizabeth Coombs 1953 days ago
Le rapport aborde les questions de genre soulevées à l’ère numérique du point de vue du droit humain à la vie privée, et leurs impacts sur les femmes, les hommes et les individus de diverses orientations sexuelles, identités et expr...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: human rights, privacy, gender, digital era, intersectional, international consultation, genre, vie privée, femmes, droits humains, recherche, جندر, النوع الاجتماعي, الحياة الخاصة, حقوق الإنسان, بحث, المرأة, قوانين, تشريعات
Created by Helena González Fernández 1960 days ago
On June 13th, a pre-doctoral seminar on Catalan Women Writers at Contemporaneity will take place at the University of Barcelona. The seminar is coordinated by Helena González from the Research Centre on Theory, Gender and Sexuality (ADHUC–Centre de Recerca Teoria...
Contenu type : Events
Tags : Tags: literature, seminar, research, women writers, catalonia, women's role, littérature, écrivaines, catalogne, recherche, rôle de femmes, أدب, أديبات, كاتبات, كتالونيا, بحث, دور النساء, أصوات النساء
Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2051 days ago
Gender equality is of great importance for Malta as much as for the rest of the Mediterranean region, therefor, the Department of Gender Studies of the University of Malta in collaboration with the French Embassy in Malta will organize the conference "Women in the Mediterranean" with th...
Contenu type : Events
Tags : ...ée, égalité femmes-hommes, région euro-méditerranéenne, féminisme, recherche-action, حقوق المرأة, المساواة بين الجنسين, نقاش, المنطقة الأورومتوسطة, بحث, نضال, تعاون, تشبيك, نسوية, ج...
Created by Susana Pavlou 2135 days ago
Together with the international community, Cyprus recently marked the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls and the start of another year’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV). Violence against women and girls is a huge and g...
Contenu type : News
Tags : ...inine, chypre, harcèlement, education, violence contre les filles et les femmes, jeunes, العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي, قبرص, تحرش, تعليم, بغاء, بحث, أوروبا, العنف الموجه ضد الفت...
Created by Foundation's Team 2237 days ago
This guide aims to support higher education and research institutions in the implementation of actions against sexual harassment. The guide is meant for institutions, which are often waiting for advice and sharing experiences. It provides several examples on institutionalized actions re...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: harassment, education, research, victim, prevention, support, laws, harcèlement, enseignement supérieur, recherche, accompagnement, victime, prévention, lois, تحرش, التعليم العالي, بحث, ضحايا, وقاية, قوانين, مرافقة
Created by Foundation's Team 2248 days ago
Developed in partnership between United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA Regional Office for the Arab States and the Center of Arab Woman for Training and Research (CAWTAR), which is a founding member of the Euro – Mediterranean Women’s Foundation, the Arab Knowledge Platform...
Contenu type : Resources
Tags : Tags: gender based violence, knowledge, networking, research, women's rights, violence basée sur le genre, droits des femmes, plaidoyer, recherche, réseautage, العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي, حقوق المرأة, مناصرة, بحث, تبادل, تشبيك
Created by Foundation's Team 2249 days ago
How do female and male users interact with traditional media Facebook page content? Which representations does this interaction suggest for women as media production subjects and commentators on such production? To answer these questions, the authors of this study embarked on a scienti...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: women's image, social media, gender, identity, harassment, research, advocacy, image des femmes, identité, genre, harcèlement, recherche, plaidoyer, médias sociaux, وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي, إعلام, صورة المرأة, هوية, جندر, تحرش, بحث, مناصرة
Created by Foundation's Team 2267 days ago
Les vacances d’été approchent mais le combat pour l’égalité femmes-hommes ne connaît pas de repos ! Pour cette raison nous vous proposons une série de cours et conférences sur notre sujet de prédilection : les questions ...
Contenu type : Calls and opportunities
Tags : ...ersity, feminism, égalité des chances, parité, accès à l'éducation, enseignement supérieur, formation continue, université, féminisme, تعليم مستمر, بحث, تعليم عالي, نسوية, المساواة...
Created by Foundation's Team 2416 days ago
جمعية جسور المواطنة تكون ممثلة في المسيرة لان المساواة في الارث نعتبرها مسألة مفصلية في البحث عن المساواة الفعلية امال عرباوي
This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
Founding Members