

Foundation's Team

EIGE Sectoral Brief : Gender and Migration / Note d'orientation EIGE: Genre et migration / موجزٌ الاختصاصات القطاعية للمعهد الأوروبي للمساواة الجنسانية EIGE : الجنس والهجرة

Created by Foundation's Team 1563 days ago

Gender is a crucial variable when looking into the policy area of migration. The lack of a gender perspective in migration, asylum and integration policies can have detrimental effects on the women and men on the move. Whether they are forced to move, migrate on voluntary basis or their...

Foundation's Team

Progress of the world's women 2019 - 2020: Families in a changing world / Le progrès des femmes dans le monde 2019 - 2020 : Les familles dans un monde en changement / تقدم نساء العالم 2019-2020: الأُسر في عالم متغير

Created by Foundation's Team 1943 days ago

This report assesses the reality of families today in the context of sweeping economic, demographic, political, and social transformation. The report features global, regional, and national data. It also analyses key issues such as family laws, employment, unpaid care work, violence aga...

Foundation's Team

Climate Change and Migration: Evidence from the Middle East and North Africa / Changement climatique et migration: Preuves du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord / التغير المناخي والهجرة: دلائل من الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا

Created by Foundation's Team 2621 days ago

Climate change is a major source of concern in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, and migration is often understood as one of several strategies used by households to respond to changes in climate and environmental conditions, including extreme weather events. Based in la...

Foundation's Team

Unpacking Gender: The Humanitarian Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Jordan / La réponse humanitaire à la crise des réfugiés en Jordanie / رفع الغطاء عن الجندر. الإستجابة الإنسانية لأزمة اللاجئين السوريين في الأردن

Created by Foundation's Team 2907 days ago

This report is a result of wide literature review and a month-long field assessment in Jordan, including in-depth interviews, focus group meetings and observa­tion. It aims to identify how the hu­manitarian community was integrating existing gender guidance across all sectors and whether ...

Foundation's Team

Women Refugies in Lebanon and the Consequences of Limited Legal Status on their Housing, Land and Property Rights / Femmes réfugiées au Liban et conséquences de leur manque de statut juridique sur leurs droits au logement, à la terre et à la propriété / اللاجئات في لبنان و عواقب محدودية الوضع الق...

Created by Foundation's Team 2907 days ago

As a result of the conflict in Syria, Lebanon is facing a situation in which one-quarter of its population is comprised of refugees. Lebanon has not ratified the 1951 refugee convention, and 35-70% of Syrian refugees, in addition to 86% of Palestinian refugees from Syria do not have the ability t...

Foundation's Team

Reception of female refugees and asylum seekers in the EU- Case study Germany / Accueil des femmes réfugiées demandeuses d'asile dans l'UE – le cas de l'Allemagne / استقبال اللاجئات و طالبات اللجوء في الإتحاد الأوربي- حالة ألمانية

Created by Foundation's Team 3155 days ago

This study examines the reception of female asylum seekers in Germany, the research was done in refugee camp in Munich/Germany. It presents both the EU and the German legal framework concerning the reception of (female) refugees. Attention has been paid whether gender-sensitive asylum application...

Foundation's Team

Gender and Mobility across Southern and Eastern European Borders: “Double Standards” and the Ambiguities of European Neighborhood Policy / Genre et mobilité à travers les frontières sud et est de l'Europe : « Deux poids, deux mesures » et les ambiguïtés de la politique européenne de voisinage / ا...

Created by Foundation's Team 3160 days ago

This article sheds light on the gendered dynamics of mobility and explores the relationship between the feminization of migration and the development of migrant women’s societies of origin. It discusses the consequences and challenges, which female migrants are facing within the frameworks ...

Foundation's Team

Violence against Migrant and Refugee Women in the Euromed Region / Violence à l'égard des femmes migrantes et réfugiées dans la région euro-méditerranéenne / العنف ضد النساء المهاجرات و اللاجئات في المنطقة الأورومتوسطية

Created by Foundation's Team 3392 days ago

The study aims to analyse the forms of violence against migrant and refugee women in the Euromed region and the impact of the policies and programmes implemented to combat this violence, particularly in the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean political process. It identified the shortcomings in t...

Foundation's Team

Femmes migrantes : une ressource / النساء المهاجرات: مورد / Migrant Women: A Resource

Created by Foundation's Team 3476 days ago

Cette pratique a commencé en 2014 et elle a été soutenue par la Représentation de la Commission européenne en Italie, la Provincia di Roma et l' Atelier. Elle a collecté des histoires d’une quinzaine de femmes migrantes entrepreneurs afin de le...

Foundation's Team

Gender and Women' s Economic Integration in Maghreb Countries / Genre et intégration économique des femmes dans les pays du Maghreb / النوع الإجتماعي و التكامل الاقتصادي للمرأة في البلدان المغاربية

Created by Foundation's Team 3518 days ago

This report summarizes the seminar “Gender and Women’s Economic Integration in Maghreb Countries”, held in Tunis from 5 to 7 October 2009. This seminar brought together 60 men and women experts in economy, development and gender equality to discuss several subjects, such as trad...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Amel Association International
Strane Straniere
Aswat Nissa
Kazan Federal University
CEDAW Association for Democracy and Human Rights
Al-Bait Assamed Association Society
Center for Women's Studies in Islam (CERFI)
Tubas Charitable Society
University of Mohammed V Rabat
Morgan Sigl Fertilhanges
Albanian Journalists Group (AJG)
Association MINA's Talents
Association féminine pour la protection de la famille
Cork Feminista
Jiwar Creation & Society
Nansen Dialogue Montenegro
Le chemin de la dignité
Why Me for Women’s Rights
Arab Women Parlamentarian Network
People’ Rights  Center - Sidi kacem
CREAD – Research center applied economics for development
International Alliance of Women (IAW)
Association Al Nada pour la Citoyenneté et le Développement Gafsa (ANCD)
Jordanian Journalist Association
Khaled Salah Mahmoud
Immigrant Women in Catalonia Association (AOMICAT)
The Arab Association for Human Rights
Association Anaouat pour la femme et l'enfant
Future Foundation for Media and Culture
Disi Women's Cooperative
Faculty of Humanities-Martil, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University
Association Démocratique des Femmes du Maroc (ADFM)

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NADRF launches its campaign Grandma Amina's Tales to raise awareness on women's rights

The Women’s Rights Unit of the National Association for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms (NADRF) launched its online...

36 associations learnt how to conduct effective advocacy campaigns

36 representatives of civil society organizations working for gender equality in Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Palestine, Egypt,...

2016 FDFA’s activity report

For the first time, the association Femmes pour le Dire, Femmes pour Agir - FDFA puts online its activity...

ECWR Publishes a Report on Supporting NGOs for Women in times of the COVID-19 Outbreak

(Cairo 29th of June 2020) ECWR publishes a report titled “Supporting NGOs for Women in times of the COVID-19 Outbreak. ” ECWR...

Check out our August Newsletter

Our Newsletter for this month reflects the awesome efforts of equality actors across the Euro-Mediterranean region starting from...

Visit our touring photo exhibition now in Sant Salvador de Guardiola: Women breaking barriers. Transforming Mediterranean cities

From 31 July to 16 August 2023, Ajuntament, Carrer de Dalt 19 hosts the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s...

Mentoring for young start-ups

After the great success of the entrepreneurship capacity-building program for women in Morocco ‘Start Me Up – Women...

ABAAD, a global leader of the Generation Equality Action Coalition on Gender-Based Violence

ABAAD has been selected as one of the 65 Global Leaders of the Generation Equality Action Coalitions. We are honored and excited...

On the 16 Days of Activism: how MIGS fight against GBV

Together with the international community, Cyprus recently marked the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against...

Egyptian Women: Accessing Decision Making Positions

The Association of Egyptian Female Lawyers organized a wide roundtable on national level on January 11th 2018 in Safir Hotel, El...