

Foundation's Team

More women in senior positions: the key to economic stability and growth / Plus de femmes aux postes à responsabilité: une clé de la croissance et de la stabilité économique / المزيد من النساء في المناصب العليا: مفتاح للإستقرار الإقتصادي و النمو

Created by Foundation's Team 3534 days ago

This report examines the current situation and recent trends regarding women's and men's participation in key decision-making positions in Europe in several fields: banking and finance; large corporations; science and research; chambers of commerce and industry. It also considers ways in which th...

Foundation's Team

Public Consultation on the Future of Gender and Innovation in Europe: Summary Report / Consultation publique sur l' avenir de l' égalité de genre et l' innovation en Europe : rapport de synthèse / مشاورة عمومية حول مستقبل النوع الإجتماعي والابتكار في أوروبا: تقرير موجز

Created by Foundation's Team 3543 days ago

From the perspective of the European GenderEquality Summit 2011, genSET and the European Social Fund launched a public consultation on the future of equality and research in Europe. More than 300 individual and institutional responses from 42 countries were received. The consultation sought to in...