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They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Almobadr Organization for Development and Capacity Building
NGOs Today
Association for Women's Total Advancement & Development (AWTAD)
Social and Economic Forum for Women Association
Women Entrepreneurs Accelerator (WEAccelerator)
Ensan Aid
Jurists without chains
Bochra Laghssais
Soumia Boutkhil
Association Femmes en Communication (FEC)
Union Nationale de la Femme Tunisienne (UNFT)
Women's Center AlThouri Silwan
Zhour Bouzidi
Mauritanian Council of Businesswomen – CMFA
TAMETTUT - Amazigh Women's Association for Culture and Development
Green Globe
National Broadcasting and Television Society - SNRT
Be active. Be emancipated (B.a.B.e.)
Associació Catalana de Dones Directives i Empresaries
Assiouar collective
Tunisian League of Women's Political Rights
Global Forum for Religions and Humanity (GFRH)
Sami Zouari
Rural Women's Development Socity
Humanity Diaspo
Faculty of Media & Knowledge Sciences, University of Malta
Women Programs Centre - Rafah
European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed)
Egyptian Feminist Union – EFU
Helwan Association for Community Development (Bashayer)
Association MINA's Talents
EuroMed Rights
Association of Women in Green Economy (AFEV)

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Reporting on Gender-Based Violence in the Syrian Crisis: Good Practices in the Media

This best practices guide is designed for journalists and media professionals, with the objective of enhancing the quality of...

A study on early marriage in Jordan 2014

This report presents the findings of a quantitative and qualitative examination, of early marriage practices among Jordanians, as...

National review: Portugal

This document analyses the progress of Portugal in terms of gender equality since the 4th World Conference on Women, the adoption...

National programme for substantive gender equality 2010-2013

This programme is inspired by methods and good practices, developed at European and international levels, as well as by proposals...

The Environment for Women' s Entrepreneurship in the Middle East and North Africa Region

This report aims to study the contribution of women entrepreneurs to the economic and social development of the Middle East and...

Sport and Gender Empowering Girls and Women

Women in many places of the world still don´t have equal access and opportunities in sports. This study considers sport...

A women' s view of industry

This survey was conducted among 361 women engineers and technicians from the industry, transport and energy sectors for the...

2nd Atlas for Gender Equality in Germany

Even with the advances achieved in the field of gender equality in Germany, everyday life still diverges greatly for men and...

Fighting Back Tears… Clinging to Dreams: Syrian Women in their Own Words

This report aims to amplify the voices of Syrian women, and add new texture to the portrait of their lives inside Syria and in...

Kayan's Key Findings on Femicide in Palestinian Society in Israel

Kayan is pleased to present you an overview of its groundbreaking report on the phenomenon of femicide in the...