

Foundation's Team

Pacte pour l’égalité: media campaign to raise awareness on profesional inequalities / Pacte pour l’égalité : campagne pour sensibiliser aux inégalités professionnelles femmes-hommes / اتفاق من أجل المساواة: حملة إعلامية لرفع الوعي حول موضوع عدم المساواة المهنية

Created by Foundation's Team 2907 days ago

In 2012, the Laboratoire de l’Egalité (equality laboratory) launched media campaign, coproduced by the agency Mediaprism, during the presidencial election of 2012 in France. The ‘Pacte pour l’égalité’ (Pact for equality) was adressed to the c...

Foundation's Team

Egal’actu: A news platform about gender equality / Egal’actu : Plateforme d’actualité sur l’égalité femmes – hommes / منصة الأخبار المتعلقة بالمساواة بين النساء من الرجال

Created by Foundation's Team 2907 days ago

The Egae group has launched egal’actu, a news online platform about the equality between women and men.The main goal is to gather and disseminate all the news related to the equality and women’s rights. Articles, key figures, analyses, interviews, historical figures, symposi...

Foundation's Team

ETUC 8th of March Survey 2016 / Enquête du 8 mars de la Confédération européenne des syndicats- année 2016 / مسح ETUC للثامن من آذار- عام 2016

Created by Foundation's Team 2996 days ago

This report presents the results of the 8th March survey, annually organized by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). The aim of this survey is to monitor the proportion of women in the European trade union movement, including in decision-making positions and bodies. The objective is to ...