

Foundation's Team

Building a gender just society, a common European agenda for gender equality / Construire une société genrée juste, un agenda européen commun pour l'égalité femmes-hommes / بناء مجتمع مجندر عادل، أجندة أوروبية مشتركة للمساواة بين الجنسين

Created by Foundation's Team 2374 days ago

Inequality is a reality in Europe and even rising, especially for women. This is a structural trend driven, among other factors, by our economic system. As the index of the European Institute for Gender Equality shows, we are only halfway to achieving gender equality in Europe. Gender g...

Foundation's Team

Cyber violence against women and girls / العنف الرقمي ضد النساء والفتيات / Cyberviolence à l'encontre des femmes et des filles

Created by Foundation's Team 2382 days ago

The increasing reach of the internet, the rapid spread of mobile information, and the widespread use of social media, coupled with the existing pandemic of violence against women and girls (VAWG), has led to the emergence of cyber VAWG as a growing global problem with potentially signif...

Foundation's Team

Inequality, Intergenerational Mobility of Women Educational Attainment and Inclusive Policies in Arab Countries / Inégalité, mobilité intergénérationnelle du niveau de scolarité des femmes et politiques d'inclusion dans les pays arabes / عدم المساواة ، التنقل بين الأجيال و التحصيل العلمي للمرأة و...

Created by Foundation's Team 2396 days ago

Intergenerational educational mobility refers to the extent to which education attainments are able to change across generations. If there were no intergenerational mobility in education, at all, all poor children would become poor adults and all rich children would become rich adults a...

Foundation's Team

La création d'entreprise au féminin en Europe 2011 - Eléments comparatifs / ريادة الأعمال في أوروبا - عناصر مقارنة / Women Entrepreneurship in Europe - Comparative Elements

Created by Foundation's Team 2411 days ago

Servir de révélateur aux différentes dimensions de la création d‘entreprises au féminin, tel est l’objectif de cette étude comparative qui intégrant une dimension de genre tente d’appréhender la question à ...

Foundation's Team

Political Trends and Dynamics: Gender Politics in Southeast Europe / Tendances et dynamiques politiques: la politique de genre en Europe du Sud-Est / الاتجاهات والديناميات السياسية: السياسات الجندرية في جنوب شرق أوروبا

Created by Foundation's Team 2415 days ago

This publication analyses the state of women’s rights in 7 post-Yugoslav countries and Albania, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, and Moldova. It also explores the political, economic and social equality of women in the region and their role in the decision making process...

Foundation's Team

Female Entrepreneurship in the South of the Mediterranean: A Challenge for Solidarity Progress / L'entrepreneuriat féminin dans le sud de la méditerranée : Un enjeu de progrès solidaire / ريادة الأعمال النسائية في جنوب البحر الأبيض المتوسط: التحدي للتقدم التضامني

Created by Foundation's Team 2416 days ago

Female entrepreneurship is an indicator on both economic progress and ambition and the social orientation of a country. In European countries, local and national actions have been put in place for several years to promote this female entrepreneurship. At the same time, countries on the ...

Foundation's Team

Le rôle de l'Université dans la promotion des questions liées au genre et aux droits des femmes dans le monde arabe et en Europe méridionale et centrale / دور الجامعة في تعزيز قضايا النوع الاجتماعي وحقوق المرأة في العالم العربي وفي وسط و جنوب أوروبا / The Role of Academia in Promoting Gender and ...

Created by Foundation's Team 2543 days ago

Cette étude répertorie les principaux programmes d’études qui proposent des masters et des doctorats sur le genre dans la région euro-méditerranéenne dans le but d’examiner comment le monde universitaire traite les questions de genre...