Created by Susana Pavlou 1987 days ago
The International Network on Leave Policies and Research has been producing an annual review of leave policies and related research since 2005. The review covers Maternity, Paternity and Parental leaves; leave to care for sick children and other employment-related measures to support wo...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: family rights, parental leave, maternity leave, maternity, paternity, family, emploi, congé parental, droits des femmes, politiques, lois, إجازة, قوانين, سياسات, طفولة مبكرة, الوالدين, أمومة, أبوة
Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2408 days ago
With the rise of new technologies and political, social and economic shifts, new models of non-normative intimate, sexual and maternal relations are emerging in the south of the Mediterranean. Whether related to birth control practices such as abortion, contraception etc. or to the practices of b...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: sexual and reproductive health, lebanon, morocco, rape, prostitution, maternity, sexuality, body, santé sexuelle et reproductive, liban, maroc, sexualité, corps, maternité, viol, prostitution, الصحة الجنسية و الإنجابية, جسد, لبنان, المغرب, جنسانية, أمومة, اغتصاب, بغاء
Created by Foundation's Team 2820 days ago
The Association 100% Mamans, in partnership with the Italian organization Soleterre, launched last 18th May the first radio for single mothers in Morocco, during a press conference held in Rabat. This radio seeks to become an advocacy tool, to enable single mothers the recovery of spee...
Contenu type : Resources
Tags : Tags: radio, media, audiovisual sector, single-parent family, parenthood, family solidarity, radio, solidarité familiale, maternité, homoparentalité, secteur audiovisuel, médias, إذاعة, تضامن أسري, وسائل إعلام, قطاع سمعي بصري, أمومة, والدية أحادية
Created by Foundation's Team 3290 days ago
The paper seeks to present the specific features of the Swedish model for gender promotion, which is both complete and progressive. It reviews the gender equality policy of the Swedish government made in the 1970s and shows how it was developed and adapted in several fields of political intervent...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: maternity, parenthood, professional equality, prostitution, shared responsibilities., égalité professionnelle, maternité, partage des responsabilités, paternité, prostitution, أمومة, أبوة, مساواة مهنية, دعارة, مسؤوليات مشتركة
Created by Foundation's Team 3408 days ago
This report illustrates the progress made in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the light of the impact of the world economic crisis and climate change. It provides detailed information on the process of these goals in the Arab region and emphasises the policies and actions nece...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: economic empowerment, environment, maternity, millennium development goal, primary education, autonomisation économique, enseignement primaire, environnement, maternité, objectif du millénaire pour le développement, تمكين إقتصادي, بيئة, أمومة, الأهداف الإنمائية للألفية, تعليم إبتدائي
Created by Foundation's Team 3420 days ago
This directive aims to adopt the minimum protection measures concerning the health and safety of pregnant workers, women who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding. It acknowledges that this population group faces specific risks and provides for provisional measures to protect them agains...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: health, labour law, maternity, parental leave, pregnant women., congé parental, droit du travail, femme enceinte, maternité, santé, صحة, قانون العمل, أمومة, إجازة والدية, نساء حوامل
Created by Foundation's Team 3479 days ago
This publication provides an overall view on gender equality laws at EU level. Aimed at a broad public, it notably focuses on the historical evolution of EU law on equality and reviews different articles and the legislation of the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Function ...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: parental leave, gender discrimination, pay gap, employment, harassment, maternity, congé parental, discrimination de genre, écart salarial, emploi, harcèlement, maternité, إجازة والدية, تمييز بين الجنسين, فجوة الأجور, التوظيف, التحرش, أمومة
Created by Foundation's Team 3552 days ago
This dossier analyses the maternity age trends in the developing countries with a focus on France. In this country, in 2009, women who had given birth were 30 years old on average, in contrast to 27 for their mothers thirty years before. The dossier reviews the evolution of age at maternity over ...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: fertility, maternity, fécondité, maternité, خصوبة, أمومة
Created by Foundation's Team 3569 days ago
This report reviews national legislative provisions on maternity protection and shows how well national laws and practices conform to the ILO Maternity Convention, 2000 (No. 183) and the Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention, 1981 (No. 156). The report compares the national legislations...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: parental leave, women's rights, labour law, childcare, maternity, paternity, congé parental, droits des femmes, droit du travail, garde d’enfants, maternité, paternité, إجازة والدية, حقوق المرأة, قانون العمل, رعاية الطفل, أمومة, أبوة
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This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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