

Foundation's Team

A Guide to the Institutionalization of the Gender Approach / Guide pour l' Institutionnalisation de l' Approche Genre / دليل لمأسسة مقاربة النوع الإجتماعي

Created by Foundation's Team 3516 days ago

This guide is linked to the commitment of the United Nations Development Programme(UNDP) to strengthen the progress of women and gender equality through a gender mainstreaming policy, consisting of integrating the gender dimension into all administrative and financial programmes and procedures. T...

Foundation's Team

The Arab Quota Report: Selected Case Studies / Rapport sur les quotas arabes: sélection d' études de cas / تقرير نطام الحصص(الكوتا) العربي: دراسات حالة مختارة

Created by Foundation's Team 3516 days ago

This report describes the political representation of women in the legislative bodies throughout the world and the reforms and positive action initiatives designed to safeguard the presence of women in parliament. It brings together qualitative data in order to conduct a comparative analysis of t...

Foundation's Team

Gender Quotas and Parliamentary Representation / Les quotas de genre et la représentation parlementaire / "كوتا" (نظام حصص) النوع الإجتماعي والتمثيل البرلماني

Created by Foundation's Team 3522 days ago

This double issue of the journal Al-Raida focuses on gender quotas. It analyses the controversy over gender quotas and their effectiveness through research articles from various parts of the Arab world in order to compare the different experiences and opinions on this issue at a regional level. T...