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They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Ankara University
National Commission for Lebanese Women (NCLW)
ABAAD - Resource Center for Gender Equality
Center for Study and Research on Human Rights and Migration
Etaf Roudan
Coalition for Tunisian Women
La ciutat invisible
Jossour Forum des Femmes Marocaines (Jossour FFM)
Associació Catalana de Dones Directives i Empresaries
Vision Communication Consultancy
Soumia Boutkhil
Tamazight Women Movement
Ibtikar for Empowerment and Social Entrepreneurship
Why Me for Women’s Rights
Daem for Media
Syrian Women's Network
SIDRA Association
Tunisian Association of Women Judges- TAWJ
Society of Women Graduates (SWG) in the Gaza Strip
Jordan Forum for Business and Professional Women
Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development
Yaich Elarbi
Association Corrente Rosa
ISIS Center for Women and Development
Association Marocaine des Femmes Progressistes (AMFP)
Young Men Christian Association (YMCA)
Orbital Endowment Fund
Roles for Social Change Association-ADWAR
Nazra for Feminist Studies
International therapeutic Attorneys Centre (ICAR)
Association of Innovation, Training and Employment for Sustainable Development (AIFED)
Nahda Association
People’ Rights  Center - Sidi kacem
Association des femmes pour le développement et la culture
Femmes pour le Dire, Femmes pour Agir (FDFA)

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‘Working on strengthening the role of women in the Mediterranean’ Interview with Delphine Borione (DSG UfM)

In this interview Delphine Borione, Deputy Secretary-General of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), explains to the...

Gender based Violence, Violence against Women. The articulation of power relations in domestic, national and international spaces

Feminist theories of international relations analyse power relations on a global scale and articulate the domestic, national and...

The Global Gender Gap Report 2017

The Global Gender Gap Index presented in this report seeks to measure one important aspect of gender equality: the relative gaps...

Guide to Parity Laws for equal sharing of political professional and social responsibilities

The Guide to Parity is the result of a collaborative effort between members of the High Gender Equality Council, as well as the...

Istanbul Convention

The Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul...

Women's Sport as Politics in Muslim Contexts

This book analyses the struggle and resistance deployed by Muslim women in sports and their claim to full and equal participation...

Impact of Women Wage Segregation on Economic Growth: Evidence from Brazil, Egypt and Jordan

This research analysis studies and outlines the statistical data regarding the female labor force the female labor trends in...

Council of the European Union Presidency conclusions, 23 and 24 March 2006

This document features the conclusions of the Council of the European Union of 23 and 24 March 2006 during which the European...

Second Ministerial Conclusions on Strengthening the Role of Women in Society

The Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference held in Marrakech in 2009 has explored concrete actions to strengthen the role of...

Marie-Cécile Naves: Gender equality in sport benefits everyone

In this article, Marie-Cécile Naves, political scientist, vice-president of Sport and Citizenship and author of the book...