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COVID-19 Resources: Initiatives, Campaigns, Statements, Calls and Opportunities

09.04.2020 / Created by (EMWF)

Organisations’ Resources, Initiatives, Campaigns, Statements, Calls & Opportunities on COVID-19 

Our Members

  • Assiwar - The Feminist Arab Movement, PALESTINE & ISRAEL : Movement in support of Victims of Sexual Abuse hotline: 04-853-3044
  • AWSA-Be جمعية تضامن المرأة العربية Arab Women’s Solidarity Association, BELGIUM: Femmes et Confinement (French)


*  Each call targets a different group of eligible countries and actors: Please check eligibility.

Other Relevant Initiatives & Resources

Gender equality matters in COVID-19 response (English, French, Spanish)

COVID-19 and ending violence against women and girls (English, French, Spanish)

COVID-19: Emerging gender data and why it matters (English)

Webinar: Leveraging Inclusive Procurement amid COVID-19 (English)

  • EuroMed Feminist Initiative Statement: 

EFI Statement - COVID-19: An Urgent Need of a Humanistic Gender Equality Way of Analysis (English and Arabic) 

  • UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction:

 UNDRR Declaration (English)

  • European Women’s Lobby:

 Women must not pay the price for COVID19 (list of resources, English and French)

  • Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy:

 Feminist Resources on the Pandemic (list of resources, English)

  • European Network of Migrant Women:

Global feminist perspective on the pandemic: What “normal” do we expect when the crisis is over? (English) 

  • Feminist Alliance for Rights (FAR):

Call for a Feminist COVID-19 Policy (English, French, Spanish and more)

Sample Letters to governmental Institutions (English and Spanish)

Feminist Statement on COVID-19 Policymaking (Final 2020) (pdf, English)

Actualisations sur page FB: FAR Feminists

Gendered Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis: Holding Governments to Account

  • Mediterranean Women’s Fund:

Facebook campaing #FeministSolidarity (French)

  • Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, EGYPT:

Tracking the impact of the epidemic-containment policies on women and vulnerable groups in Egypt (English and Arabic) 

  • Association Tunisienne des Femmes Démocrates, TUNISIE

Appel Urgent aux autorités publiques pour assurer la continuité des services de santé sexuelle et de la reproduction  (French and Arabic)

  •  Migrant Women Association MALTA, MALTA:

Emergency Fundraising Campaign COVID-19 Migrant Women Association (English)

  • GATE NGO - International organisation working on gender identity, gender expression and bodily diversity issues:

Form to report irregularities that trans, gender diverse and intersex people face during the COVID-19 pandemic (English)


Gender and Data Resources Related to COVID-19  (list of resources, English)

  • Genre en Action:

Genre et COVID (list of articles and resources, English, French and Spanish)

Power point presentation of the Webinar "Genre et coronavirus dans le Sud francophone" (April 24, 2020; French) 

Power point presentation of the Webinar "Quelles réponses de la coopération / solidarité internationale ?" (April 30, 2020. French); video of the Webinar 

  • Collectif  “Avortement, les femmes décident !”:

Petition Change.ORG - “Covid 19 : Les avortements ne peuvent attendre ! Pour une loi d’urgence !”  (French)

  • Agence française de développement, in partnership with Wikigender + DevCom (OCDE)

Online discussion: Shifting social norms and achieving gender equality - What role can communicators play? (April 14-21) #CommunicatingGender (English)

  • EIGE - European Institute for Gender Equality

Covid-19 and gender equality (English):    Frontline workers , Gender Impacts on Health , Unpaid care and housework , Economic hardship and gender , Gender-based violence , People in vulnerable situation .

  • Anna Lindh Foundation 

#SharingValues Campaign (English, French)

  • Institut Català de les Dones, Government of Catalonia:

Outreach documents with recommendations, services and new aids to deal with sexist violence (Catalan)

  • Council of Europe

Webinar on the Istanbul Convention: Violence against women and girls before, during and after COVID-19 (English)

See also :


COVID-19 Resources: Articles, Essays, News and Press Releases 

COVID-19 Resources: Women’s Helplines in the Euro-Mediterranean Countries