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Lessening gender inequalities on Wikipedia: Les sans pagEs Méditerranée

04.03.2019 / Created by (EMWF)

The “Les sans pagEs” (without pages) project was born in 2016 with the aim of bridging the gender gap on Wikipedia. To this end, the project aims to enhance the contribution of women in all fields of knowledge (as subjects of the articles) and to encourage women to contribute to the development of Wikipedia by writing and editing its content and enriching it with data and illustrations. The project started is based on the fact that only 10% of the contributions come from women and just 16% of the biographies concerned women in 2016.

Since 2018 a group of women has been dedicated exclusively to the Mediterranean region in view of its diversity and cultural value. The idea of the project Les sans pagEs/Méditerranée (the Mediterranean without pages) is to increase women visbility by encouraging members to produce and improve Wikipedia articles on women and on feminism related subjects as well as on themes or groups that are still invisible or underrepresented.

Besides content writing related actions, the project non-pagEs carry out other activities such as organizing encyclopedic writing workshops (on style, sources, neutrality or language) and meetings about other Wikimedia projects (free collaborative multimedia databases), as well as research and impact analysis and all kinds of events on gender mainstream in media.