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E-Portal: Legal and human rights of women and men between equality and gaps

14.08.2018 / Created by (EMWF)

An online information tool designed to collect laws related to the legal status, rights and gender equality in 20 Arab countries. The portal aims to help policy makers, women’s organizations and civil society and other stakeholders to improve ways of assessing, analyzing and understanding the legal status of women in the Arab region.

The portal allows users to search for laws on different topics and rights such as education, health, violence, political participation, contribution to the economy, access to justice, the right to legislate all Arab countries. It also provides detailed description of each country’ information including: Steps taken by governments in line with international obligations to achieve gender equality. The portal could also be used to produce regional and national comparison on many topics and indicators and provides information on best practices to facilitate the exchange of experiences among Arab countries and thus encourages legislative reform processes.