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Mediterranean Women's Fund

20.05.2016 / Created by (EMWF)

The Mediterranean Women’s Fund was created in January 2008, at the initiative of women who had been working for several decades for the rights of women in the Mediterranean region.

Based on their experiences of seeking funding for their own projects or those of other associations in Algeria, France, Turkey, Morocco and Palestine, they considered it necessary to found a dedicated structure to financially support the movement for the emancipation of women in the region.

The Fund refers in its activities to an ethic based on the principles of equality, secularism, respect for human beings and the environment and commitment to peace. It is based on the tools of international human rights law.

The objectives of the Fund are to contribute to the improvement of the status of women and the promotion of gender equality in all countries of the Mediterranean basin by contributing to the strengthening of the women’s movements of the region, both at local and regional levels.