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Cahiers du Genre

28.09.2015 / Created by (EMWF)

Cahiers du Genre (Gender Notebooks) is a multidisciplinary and international journal of gender studies published in French. The journal aims at contributing to the theoretical debates in gender studies through the production of new tools, concepts and analyses in the field of humanities and social sciences. It stands out, compared to other publications in French in the field of gender studies, by the broad range of topics it addresses. The journal publishes contributions in the various subfields of sociology (of culture, organizations, labor, law, art, economic sociology, political sociology…) as well as in the fields of the study of emotions, psychology and psychoanalysis.

Twice a year, Cahiers du Genre publishes thematic issues. Recent topics include work, the body, equality, migration, the family, sexualities, post-colonialism, masculinities, feminisms, science and technology, public policies, violence, art, etc. The journal encourages articles which draw on disciplinary traditions, methods and theories from sociology, history, anthropology, psychology of labor or political science. The journal’s broad scope aims at grasping the similarities and differences taken by gender relations in different societies and at different historical periods.

The journal is international in its scope: it translates and publishes in French in each issue contributions from internationally recognized scholars – which makes their work accessible to the francophone readership – and its editorial board is international as well. The journal is peer-reviewed.