Documentary centre


401 Resources found in English

Title Date Type of resource Country

Suggestions for an egalitarian society: Stockholm municipality perspective

A Women’s place is an initiative by the municipality of Stockholm City that aims to collect articles, podcasts, seminars...

28.05.2019 List of website-resources Sweden

Lessening gender inequalities on Wikipedia: Les sans pagEs Méditerranée

The “Les sans pagEs” (without pages) project was born in 2016 with the aim of bridging the gender gap on Wikipedia....

04.03.2019 List of website-resources - Euro-Mediterranean region

Each year For Women in Science programme offers several prizes and scholarships

Since 1998 the partnership For Women in Science between the French company L’Oréal and the United Nations...

20.02.2019 List of research projects - International

PRESAGE: A program to promote a multidisciplinary approach of gender studies

The Research and Educational Program on Gender Studies « Programme de Recherche et d’Enseignement des SAvoirs sur le...

15.02.2019 List of website-resources France

Powerful campaign by Kafa against sexual violence in Lebanon

In 2017, the Lebanese organization Kafa joined the international #MeToo movement and started campaigning for the adoption of the...

22.11.2018 List of website-resources Lebanon

Legal definitions of gender based violence in the EU

The term Gender Based Violence (GBV) includes any harmful act that affects or is likely to affect a woman, a man, a girl or a boy...

30.10.2018 List of website-resources - European Union

Brussels Binder: Female experts database in Europe

The Brussels Binder is a resource for conference organisers and media outlets who seek to include expert female voices in their...

26.09.2018 List of website-resources - Europe

AG About Gender

AG About Gender is an international journal of Gender Studies with a six-monthly publication that aims to stimulate debate and...

26.09.2018 List of website-resources Italy

Documentary - Equality: It's All in the Family

This documentary by Women’s Learning Partnership for Rights, Development, and Peace (WLP) illustrates the spectrum of...

19.09.2018 List of website-resources - International

The A Project: Website on sexuality, mental and reproductive health in Lebanon

The A project aims to create platforms that reaffirm agency and autonomy in sexuality and mental health, while advancing, through...

19.09.2018 List of website-resources Lebanon

Internet site with information on sexual violence

This website aims to provide both general information on the different types of sexual violence, as well as practical information...

14.09.2018 List of website-resources Belgium

E-Portal: Legal and human rights of women and men between equality and gaps

An online information tool designed to collect laws related to the legal status, rights and gender equality in 20 Arab countries....

14.08.2018 List of website-resources - MENA region