Palestinian Authority
The Association of Women Media and Development (TAM) was established in September 2003 by a group of journalist women, media producers and activists in community. TAM Association was registered in February 2004, under the law of charities and NGO.
TAM Association is a specialized NGO with expertise on advocacy, mobilization and empowerment of women, gender mainstreaming and integration, using the media and social communication tools, working in networks and civil alliances for human rights with focus on women' s rights. TAM Association also holds relevant positions in the governing bodies of several alliances. From 2010, TAM develops activities with CSOs throughout research and campaigning.
Furthermore, the Association has a strong experience in targeting media as a tool for changing the view of women in the society and it has also, worked extensively on building capacities of community leaders and CBOs defending the rights of women, especially of those marginalized. Also TAM Association is playing a very strong role in Palestine in order to integrate gender in deferent sectors as Media, local governorate and infrastructure. They have a sub-granted income generating activities to promote changes in the community, looking at women as key drivers of change and actors of development.
TAM Association' s goals are the following:
1- Improve the image of Palestinian women in the Media;
2- Empower and build the capacities of community leaders and organizations defending the rights of women and other marginalized groups;
3- Increase the participation of women in the public sphere;
4- Empower TAM to achieve its vision and objectives within the framework of its mission and value statements.
Address : Beit Jala, Alsahel, Abo Abaida Building, 826 ,Palestinian Authority
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This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
Founding Members