Network of networks / Association

Movimento per l'Autosviluppo, l'Interscambio e la Solidarietà (M.A.I.S.)

Member since 22.01.2016



Mission and objectives

M.A.I.S. promotes the cooperation between peoples and fights for a fair and just world, through promoting self-development projects, human rights defence and against any form of exploitation and social exclusion.

M.A.I.S. believes that the condition of dependence and subordination of the underprivileged, the poor and the weak can be overcome through information, denouncement, awareness and interchange campaigns. It communicates with public bodies and institutions, the civil society, national and international organisations and local communities, in order to promote social and democratic economy over the world, encouraging participated and sustainable development of local communities. M.A.I.S. promotes the participation and the centrality of the most vulnerable social sectors, such as peasants, small and medium-scale producers, women, minors and exploited, socially excluded subjects, for whom freedom and rights are not guaranteed.


Address : Via Saluzzo, 23, 10125 ,Italy
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