Network of networks / Research and Education

Sanaa El Aji

Member since 20.02.2016



Presentation of research activity or teaching

Mrs. Sanaa El Aji has a PhD in Sociology of sexuality at the Institute of “Études Politiques d'Aix-en-Provence” (CHERPA). Her thesis topic was "Representations and sexual practices before the marriage among heterosexuals Moroccans: constraints, bypass strategies and gender socialization".

In 2008 – 2009, she studied a Master 2 Research on gender at the University Paris 8 Saint-Denis. Mrs. Sanaa El Aji participated in a study day organized by the CNDH (National Council for Human Rights) on parity, in Rabat, in 2012. She also participated at the international conference of the HCP (Haut Commissariat au Plan) on the objectives of the “Cinquantenaire” (family, training, education, gender...) in Casablanca in 2013.

Her areas of work are civil rights and political life as well as health and emotional and sexual life. Mrs. El Aji has 5-10 years of specific working experience on gender equality at national level and in Arab countries.


Address : 15, Rue Termidi, Appt 25, Maarif Extension, 20370 ,Morocco
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