Network of networks / Association

Gender and Sexuality Resource Center. Arab Foundation for Freedoms and Equality

Member since 22.06.2015



Mission and objectives

Gender and Sexuality knowledge centers and institutions exist primarily outside the Arab world. Despite the wealth of research conducted about the region, few resources are published in Arabic and pronounced gaps remain undealt with. The Gender and Sexuality Resource Center (GSRC) plans to address the knowledge gaps and create an alternative site of production in Arabic. In this way, activists and academics would broaden their participation in the sexual and bodily rights regional discourse. They would also benefit from having their work supported and being provided with a repository of information and knowledge.
The GSRC is the product of a joint collaboration of the Arab Foundation for Freedoms and Equality (AFE) and ABAAD. It aims at aggregating resources from and about the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region on Gender and Sexuality, thus providing valuable research and field resources to academics and activists alike. The activities of the GSRC revolve around its free, public, and easily-accessible web portal, which features an extensive database of resources. GRSC' s mission is to identify the gaps that exist within the current body of research in order to inform and foster the production of new research that respond to these gaps. The aim of the GSRC is to become an information hub that brings together activists and academics, with a firm emphasis on material produced in Arabic.


Address : Saint Louis St., Yazbeck Center, 6th floor, 16 70 43 ,Lebanon
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