Network of networks / Research and Education

Morgan Sigl

Member since 29.01.2016



Presentation of research activity or teaching

Mrs. Morgan Sigl Fertilhanges conducts a research project, which is relatively "hybrid", (between the sociology of gender and international relations), as part of a Masters degree in Political Science. Her topic is the impact of the transnationality phenomena of female solidarity on feminist doctrine. She has chosen the Euro-Mediterranean approach in order to analyze the cross-border negotiation process and the mutations of a specific ideology.

Ms. Morgan Sigl Fertilhanges has already had the chance to meet the seven founding members of the Euro - Mediterranean Women's Foundation (EMWF) (which is currently her case study) who enlightened her the motives and objectives the Foundation for the promotion of gender in a historically marked space.

She wants to achieve a master 2 and a PhD on gender studies to deepen their knowledge and to specialize in transnational feminism (and its difficulties to federate different national entities in all their diversity).


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