Network of networks / Association

Soroptimist Club Marrakech

Member since 26.09.2016



Mission and objectives

Since January 2000, Soroptimist Marrakech is part of a worldwide women's organization that is engaged in business and professional life, called Soroptimist International association. In the North Africa region, there are four clubs in Morocco and three in Tunisia.

Soroptimist Marrakech works through service projects in order to build a better world for women and children. Concretely, the association in Marrakech fights against the early school abandonment of girls in the rural world and works towards the re-establishment of the dignity and the integration of girls and women in the society.

Some of the activities of Soroptimist Marrakech include: organizing medical days in the rural world, distributing clothes, bringing assistance to blind students, bringing water to schools and villages, trying to reduce the sufferings of destitute populations as well as building a hostel for rural girls and providing them training sessions.

Soroptimist Marrakech works at the local, provincial and regional levels and they have more than 10 years of work experience in gender equality.


Address : Wahat El Hassan II, Hay El Jadid Sidi Youssef Ben Ali, . ,Morocco
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