Network of networks / Association

Mouwatinet Association

Member since 07.04.2016



Mission and objectives

Mouwatinet is a cultural association for women which was founded in 2011 in Sfax, Tunisia. Mouwatinet considers women's struggles as part of the social problems for achieving democracy. Mouwatinet takes the gender approach in the analysis and treatment of social problems. The association also aims to educate women to actively participate in political and civic life and to contribute to the actual release of their potential. Mouwatinet promotes women's presence in public places and in decision-making centres.

The association works mainly on civil and political life at local, provincial and regional levels. Mouwatinet has between 5-10 years of specific work experience in gender equality.


Address : Av. Farhat Hached, Building. Ons 2cd Florr. App 5, . ,Tunisia
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