Network of networks / Association

Al-Bait Assamed Association Society

Member since 19.08.2017


Palestinian Authority

Mission and objectives

Since its inception, the Association has contributed to the development of society through the development of women's social, health, cultural capacities and education. The Association also contributes to raising the awareness of children and girls about the different issues of society and its development. The mission of the Foundation is to: (1) sensitize and train women through courses, seminars and publications; 2) Contribute to the economic empowerment of women, young women who have lost their husbands in particular; 3) Creating opportunities for women to participate in the construction and development of society; 4) Taking care of women's health through health education and sports activities, 5) Reviving Palestinian folklore, especially embroidery

Main activities related to gender equality and women's rights

The Association is interested in the following areas of work: 1. Training and capacity building. 2. Programs for vocational rehabilitation and employment. 3. Community education and awareness. 4. Psychosocial support. 5. Studies and specialized research. 6. Provision of social and humanitarian services.
Among the most important programs of the Association: programs for women, health, culture, social, sport, illiteracy, summer camps, sewing and embroidery courses, assistance to poor families.

Geographical sphere of activity


Working themes

Education / Professional training
Culture / Sports / Leasure

Target group(s)

Women artisans, Employed women, Victims of violence

Specific years of work experience in gender equality



Address : Gaza _ Ramel Janubi, 00972 ,Palestinian Authority
Telephone : 082842012
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Website :