Network of networks / Association

Society of Women Graduates (SWG) in the Gaza Strip

Member since 15.10.2019


Palestinian Authority

Mission and objectives

The mission:
The Society of Women Graduates (SWG) in the Gaza Strip is a non-governmental, non-profit independent organization that aims to empower female graduates through capacity building development programs, skill rehabilitation, education, awareness-raising, job placement and advocacy for their rights by creating local, regional and international partnerships. The Society of Women Graduates uses rights-based approach to achieve its vision.
The objectives:
1. Creating job opportunities for the un-employed women graduates .
2. Encouraging women graduates on thinking and scientific research.
3. Empowering women graduates in cultural, social, legal and development fields .
4. Relief the families of needy women graduates.

Main activities related to gender equality and women's rights

- Capacity building for women graduates.
- job creation
- establish small business and entrepreneurship.
- Advocacy campaigns for women graduates rights.
- Awareness sessions on violence against women.
- legal awareness and access to justice.
- Academic and career counselling.
The Society of Women Graduates has a wide partnerships with local and number of international universities, private sector, Ministries and national organizations.
The Society of Women Graduates have established a forum with the local universities which called universities forum that contributes in improving the quality of education at these universities.

Geographical sphere of activity


Working themes

Education / Professional training
Economy / Employment
Types of Violence

Target group(s)

Women entrepreneurs, Youth (under 25), Victims of violence

Specific years of work experience in gender equality



Address : Palestine/ Gaza, Allababidi Street,Al Saeed Building., 00972 ,Palestinian Authority
Telephone : +97282875918
Adress email :
Website :