Network of networks / Association

Sawt Nssâ

Member since 11.10.2018



Mission and objectives

Sawt nssa is a Constantinist feminist collective based on conscientization. The group works in non-mixte spaces, it brings together relatively young women and helps them to become aware of their status as women in the context of patriarchy. The collective fights against all forms of discrimination, physical and moral violence against women. Having a non-institutional existence, the collective works nevertheless with other associations dedicated to women in all their diversity in order to conduct more elaborate field actions, in particular in the local context of Constantine in Algeria.

Main activities related to gender equality and women's rights

• Regular meetings of groups of women who come together to deconstruct the different subjects of life under the feminist prism: sexuality, religion, family, work, etc.
• Screening of feminist films, or films highlighting women
• Feminist cafes open to the public (exclusively female public), which push for the appropriation of women in the public space
• Demonstrations denouncing the ill-treatment of women

Geographical sphere of activity


Working themes

Civil and political rights
Types of Violence

Target group(s)

Students and researchers, Employed women, Youth (under 25)

Specific years of work experience in gender equality



Address : Cité 20 août 1955 Bt G6, 25000 ,Algeria
Telephone : +213661615356
Adress email :
Website :