Network of networks / Association

Association féminine pour la protection de la famille

Member since 24.01.2017



Mission and objectives

- Activating the role of women in society in order to be an active citizen.
- Work on women's economic autonomy and help them to achieve financial independence.
- Support and supervise women in order to combat all forms of violence against them.
- Work on improving the means of communication between all members of the family and warn them of all dangers and negative phenomena that may threaten their stability.
- Supervise children at psychological and educational levels by providing them a supportive environment for the development of their abilities.

Main activities related to gender equality and women's rights


Geographical sphere of activity


Working themes

Civil and political rights
Types of Violence
Economy / Employment

Target group(s)

Employed women, Women artisans, Youth (under 25)

Specific years of work experience in gender equality



Address : RUE IBN ZAIDOUN JEBENIANA, 3080 ,Tunisia
Telephone : +21695377440
Adress email :
Website : .