Network of networks / Association

Network of women artisans of Morocco

Member since 30.05.2019



Mission and objectives

The Network of Women Artisans of Morocco - Dar Maalma is an unprecedented initiative in the field of women's empowerment and economic rights, especially women who are mono and macro entrepreneurs, mainly those who work and live on craft-based income generating activities in Morocco.
The label "Dar Maalma", takes its name from the Moroccan tradition. Dar Maalma means the house of the artisan female master, the one who masters a trade or a craft and who is able to transmit her knowledge to others. In the past, these women enjoyed a great deal of respect and consideration.

Main activities related to gender equality and women's rights

This Network mainly serves as a platform for lobbying and promoting women´s economic rights and conducting advocacy and awareness raising campaigns, as well as providing services to increase women artisan’s visibility and communication skills.

Geographical sphere of activity


Working themes

Economy / Employment

Target group(s)

Women artisans, Youth (under 25)

Specific years of work experience in gender equality



Address : Dar maalma, avenue al quadissiya hivernage, 40000 ,Morocco
Telephone : 0661302518
Adress email :
Website :