Network of networks / Association

Why Me for Women’s Rights

Member since 12.10.2017



Mission and objectives

Supporting women's efforts to spread the culture of peace, national reconciliation and conflict resolution (Activate of UN resolution 1325); empowering women politically; combating violence against women; and eliminating discrimination against women; as well as supporting women's efforts in the electoral process and actively participating in the success of democratic transition.
Building youth capacities to achieve gender equality; cooperating with civil society organizations from the Maghreb and the European countries of mutual interest; defending human rights and elaborate annual rights monitoring reports.

Main activities related to gender equality and women's rights

Awareness raising regarding the on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women; Bridging the gap between males and females in decision-making and election centres; Informing and educating women on Libya’s draft constitution and legislations; Supporting women and empowering them in terms of leadership; Fight violence against women through workshops, forums, surveys, field work and meetings, as well as through highlighting the role of media in fighting this type of violence.

Geographical sphere of activity


Working themes

Civil and political rights
Types of Violence

Target group(s)

Victims of violence, Immigrant and refugee women, Employed women

Specific years of work experience in gender equality



Address : Tripoli, Libya, 218 ,Libya
Telephone : 00218917225438
Adress email :
Website :