Network of networks / Association

Lebanese League for Women in Business

Member since 27.03.2017



Mission and objectives

Founded in 2006, the Lebanese League for Women in Business (LLWB)is a socio-economic, apolitical, non-religious association bringing together professional women and providing them with a platform for (1) Sharing Experiences, (2) Developing Competencies and Skills, (3) Establishing Networks and Exchanging Expertise, (4) Accessing funds and (5) Mentorship.
LLWB’s mission has been driven by building partnerships and collaborations with various stakeholders in the ecosystem that share similar goals of addressing socio-economic gaps. The association operates according to four pillars which dictate the implementation of current and future activities: Good Governance, Business and Members' Development, Advocacy and Community Development.

Main activities related to gender equality and women's rights

- Girls Got IT (GGIT) is an initiative under the UNICEF funded program “Initiation to ICT and Technology for Girls and Marginalised Youth”, and is led by the Lebanese League for Women in Business (LLWB), in partnership with four other NGOs
- Launching ‘’Girls’ Day’’ which aims at providing students with hands-on experience in the STEAM fields.
- Digital Skills Training, a program launched in August 2018 to equip 250 vulnerable Syrian refugee and host community youth with transferable skills for the digital economy, including digital skills, English language, and soft skills for free-lancing and entrepreneurship.

Geographical sphere of activity


Working themes

Education / Professional training
Economy / Employment
Civil and political rights

Target group(s)

Women entrepreneurs, Employed women, Youth (under 25)

Specific years of work experience in gender equality



Address : Dekwaneh Mirna Shalouhi Highway, 12345 ,Lebanon
Telephone : +961 71 44 51 55
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Website :