The main focus of this association is to educate women, to empower them economically as well as to make them productive in society. Therefore, the society aims to meet the needs of women, especially in terms of training, emancipation and self-fulfilment.
Types of Violence
Civil and political rights
Culture / Sports / Leasure
Victims of violence, Students and researchers, Women entrepreneurs
Address : Joun - Chouf, 145084 ,Lebanon
Telephone : 9613828071
Adress email : hsalehcatw@gmail.com
Website : .
This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
Founding Members