Network of networks / Association

Salama's Friends

Member since 14.10.2017



Mission and objectives

Promote social progress and enable better living conditions in greater freedom and consolidate South-North dialogue; Work in the humanitarian field to help those most in need and fight against violence, especially against women; Defend women's rights and provide support in the social, cultural, economic, sports and political spheres; Support the role of women in communication and in the media.

Main activities related to gender equality and women's rights

Preserving future generations and in this millennium; Enhance social-cultural exchanges between the Maghreb and Europe in a global conception of development. As well as the EU member states and those of the North to promote better cooperation between the peoples of these southern regions, and countries.

Geographical sphere of activity


Working themes

Culture / Sports / Leasure
Types of Violence
Civil and political rights

Target group(s)

Women entrepreneurs, Women artisans, Victims of violence

Specific years of work experience in gender equality



Address : 175 crimee street, 75020 PARIS ,France
Telephone : 33623164790
Adress email :
Website :