Network of networks / Research and Education

Krizia Nardini

Member since 16.02.2018



Presentation of research activity or teaching

Krizia Nardini is a researcher and a PhD Candidate in Anthropology and Gender at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona. Trained in Philosophy (University of Siena) and in Gender Studies and Feminist Theory (MPhil, Utrecht University), Krizia’s current PhD work addresses the ways in which men’s practices can be reconfigured through the involvement of men into gender justice mobilization. Since 2015 she started with Begonya Enguix and Paco Abril (UOC, Barcelona) the project Men in Movement that organizes international workshops: in November 2017 “Men in Movement, III: Decolonizing Masculinities:(Re) configuring Bodies, Affects and Politics”. In 2017 Krizia co-edited with Stefano Ciccone the special issue on masculinities for AG About Gender - International Journal of Gender Studies.

Working themes

Education / Professional training
Health / Emotional and sexual life
Civil and political rights

Geographical sphere of activity


Populations targeted by research

Krizia Nardini travaille en tant que chercheuse et éducatrice dans la justice de genre, l'éducation sexuelle-affective, les droits reproductifs et la sensibilisation. Les groupes cibles pour son travail sont:
Centres éducatifs et d'intervention: écoles, centres de jeunes, projets communautaires éducatifs
Centres de recherche: étudiants, enseignants, chercheurs, groupes de recherche
Organisations de la société civile: groupes d'activistes: collectifs, associations, organisations à but non lucratif, campagnes de sensibilisation et projets
Institutions politiques: administrations, gouvernements, conseils locaux

Specific years of work experience in gender equality


Project on gender equality and women's rights

Committed to working through academic-activist engagements, Krizia acts as researcher and advisor for MenEngageEurope, she serves locally as educator in sexual-affective education and reproductive rights and as gender justice advocate. Krizia Nardini has worked within the Barcelona city council campaign "NO ES NO" (Barcelona antimasclista) for the intervention, eradication and prevention of gender-based violences in the context of nightlife entertainment. She collaborates with CJAS ( as educator and advisor in sexual-affective education and reproductive rights awareness.


Address : Carrer Provençals 281,3-2, Barcelona, 08020 ,Spain
Telephone : +34717705392
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Website :