Yaich Elarbi is a Moroccan researcher who has completed his doctoral dissertation in public law and political science at the Faculty of Law - Agdal of Mohammed V University in Rabat on the Moroccan experience in the quota of women in elected institutions. Before that, he conducted a research for a master's degree on "The work of the women's movement for gender equality - the movement for the 30% on the parity horizon as a model" in the same university.
He has also written a series of scientific articles on women in elections and elected institutions, and is considered as a senior researcher in the center for studies on gender equality and public policies in Rabat.
Civil and political rights
Types of Violence
Employed women, Students and researchers, Victims of violence
The Moroccan women's lobby and the fight for the 30% on the horizon of parity, vol. 21 by Dafātir Wijhat Naẓar, 2012
The female elite at the time of Mohamad, vol. 56-57 of the Dafātir Wijhat Naẓar Review, 2013
The women's movement, the quota and the elections in Morocco, the Moroccan magazine of political and social sciences, no. 4 - vol. , 2013
Women's Representation on Council of Councilors: From Parity in Laws to 10% of Results, Hespress, 2015
Women's representation on the Council of Deputies in the light of the parliamentary elections, Belwadih, 2016
Address : Agdal, Rabat, 10080 ,Morocco
Telephone : 0537772732
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This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
Founding Members