Network of networks / Association

Socio-cultural centre for women in action

Member since 16.02.2018



Mission and objectives

The Socio-cultural centre for women in action is an association that:
• Defends the participation of women in general and migrant women in particular in the political, economic and social life of their country of origin and in their country of residence.
• Raise the level of women's participation and contribute to advancing women's rights and gender equality.
• Contribute to changing the mentality of women and men in societies where patriarchy has a presence that denies women's participation.
• Promote the economic autonomy of women as a main path to emancipation
• Make action towards the eradication of all types of violence against women.

Main activities related to gender equality and women's rights

• Workshops
• Conferences
• Seminars
• Create meeting spaces between migrant and indigenous women to facilitate integration and mutual understanding, as well as to exchange experiences, ideas also life forms.
• Participate in local, national and international forums.
• Work with public institutions to reduce inequalities
• Make proposals that helps to visualize migrant women in society.
• Work with women to be agents of change in their home and host societies.

Geographical sphere of activity


Working themes

Types of Violence
Civil and political rights

Target group(s)

Immigrant and refugee women, Victims of violence, Youth (under 25)

Specific years of work experience in gender equality



Address : Calle cueva de la pileta número 10. Bloque 7., 41020 ,Spain
Telephone : 0034615107978
Adress email :
Website :