Network of networks / Association

The committee of vigilance for democracy in Tunisia (CDVT)

Member since 25.07.2017



Mission and objectives

Created in 2011, the CDVT aims to defend and promote democracy in its three fundamental aspects: politics; Economic and Social. To do this, the committee intends to: Work for the development of democracy and for the improvement of peoples' rights and living conditions; Defend strong public services capable of promoting equality between citizens through access to education, health and public transport; Encourage a strong political responsibility to collectively ensure social risks (old age, sickness, unemployment, ...); Promote popular education.

Main activities related to gender equality and women's rights

Organization of a conference on the struggle of Arab women in general and in Tunisia in particular; Cqlling, in collaboration with French-Tunisian associations, the various actors of civil society in Africa, for the abolition of Article 227 bis of the Tunisian Penal Code which allows the rapist to escape prosecution by marrying his victim. This law was revoked in February 2017 thanks to the mobilization of civil society; Screening of the film "THALA my love" which describes the Tunisian revolution through the struggle of Tunisian women in rural areas; Participation in the European demonstration for the right to abortion in Brussels.

Geographical sphere of activity


Working themes

Civil and political rights
Culture / Sports / Leasure
Education / Professional training

Target group(s)

Immigrant and refugee women, Students and researchers, Victims of violence

Specific years of work experience in gender equality



Address : Tunis, 4031 ,Belgium
Telephone : 0032497211901
Adress email :
Website :