1. Research activities:
-Women Inclusion in Arab Cities, UNESCO
-Gender and Climate-induced Migration in the Mediterranean, CIHEAM/AFD
-Gender, Natural Resources, Green Local Development and the 2030 Agenda, CAWTAR
-Gender Mainstreaming into Local Governance, AECID
2. Trainings and training of trainers:
- AECID, 6 Workshops for Members of Municipal Councils, Municipalities' administration and local youth and women NGOs on the Gender mainstreaming into Local Development Policies for Sidi Hssin, Koblat, Mohamedia, Bardo, Bousselem and Ezzahra Municipalities
-AECID Trainings on Gender responsive local public services for Municipal Councils Advisors, Great Tunis Municipalities, Jan 2019 and Gabes Municipality, Feb 2019
-Training of Trainers on ‘Gender mainstreaming into Local Governance”, Feb 2020.
- USAID Trainings on the integration of gender approach into local affairs for Local NGOs, Gannouch, Jun 2019
and Gabes, July 2019 and Mareth Municipality, July 2019
- Forum des Fédérations Training for future Leaders (ENA students) on Mainstreaming SDG 5 into the national Strategic Planning, dec 2019
Economy / Employment
Civil and political rights
Education / Professional training
Employed women, Women entrepreneurs, Immigrant and refugee women
2021: Author of the Women Inclusion in Arab Cities chapter of the Urbain Inclusion Toolkit, UNESCO
2020:Author of two Vulgarization Guides on Gender mainstreaming mechanisms into local development Policies(for Municipal elected counciles and CSOs), AECID
2019: Author of the Toolkit on Gender Mainstreaming into Local Governance: AECID, Tunis,
2019:Co-author of the 7th Arab Women Report ‘’Gender Equality in the 2030 Agenda: The Role of Civil Society and Media’’
2018:Author of Chapter 9 on ‘Gender and Climate-induced Migration in the Mediterranean: From Resilience to Peace and Human Security” of the Biennial AFD-CIHEAM Mediterra 2018 Report, Paris, 2018
2018:Contributor to CIHEAM-UfM Watch Letter 40 on “Gender and Climate-Induced Migration in the Mediterranean Region”, Paris, 2018
2015:One of the lead authors of ESCWA-UNEP First Edition Arab Sustainable Development Report, New York, 2015
Address : Tunis, 2046 ,Tunisia
Telephone : +21654958448
Adress email : monia.braham@planet.tn
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This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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