Network of networks / Research and Education

Sara Borrillo

Member since 16.07.2018



Presentation of research activity or teaching

Political, social, legal and economic transformations in the MENA region (with focus on Morocco and Tunisia.)
Ethnographic work on the relationship between state and social movements for citizens’ equality, and on the relationship between Islam and universal egalitarian references. (Focus: Islamic feminism approach; constitutional transition and equality in Morocco and Tunisia; feminization of Islamic professions and religious authorities in Morocco (Islamic preachers and scholars); history and sociology of secular and religious feminist movements in relation to the state; Democracy Movements 2010-2011; interaction between state and new social reconfigurations of artistic and political activism in Morocco and Tunisia after 2011.)

Working themes

Civil and political rights
Health / Emotional and sexual life

Populations targeted by research


Geographical sphere of activity


Specific years of work experience in gender equality


Main publications related to gender equality and women's rights

- Femminismi e Islam in Marocco, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli 2017 (Feminism and Islam in Morocco, Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 2017.)
- Islamic female religious authority between agency and governmentality: from the Moroccan model to multicultural Europe: Imams in Western Europe. Developments, Transformations and Institutional Challenges, AUP 2018.
- Islamic Feminism in Morocco: the discourse and the experience of Asma Lamrabet: Moroccan Feminisms, Africa World Press 2016.
- Egalité de genre au Maroc après 2011? Droits sexuels et reproductifs au centre des luttes de reconnaissance: Emerging Actors in Post- Revolutionary North Africa, Studi Magrebini, Università di Napoli L’Orientale, 2017 (Gender equality in Morocco after 2011? Sexual and reproductive rights at the heart of the recognition fight: Emerging Actors in Post- Revolutionary North Africa, Studi Magrebini, Università di Napoli L’Orientale, 2017.)
- Le mouvement 20 Février et la réforme constitutionnelle au Maroc. Une lecture de genre: Femmes et nouveaux media dans la région méditerranéenne, Rabat, 2012 (The 20 February Movement and the constitutional reform in Morocco. A gender reflexion: Women and new media in the Mediterranean region, Rabat, 2012.)


Address : Via Chiatamone, 61/62, 80121 Napoli NA, Italy, 80131 ,Italy
Telephone : 00390816909617
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