Network of networks / Media

Radio Hawa FM

Member since 11.04.2018


Palestinian Authority

Mission and objectives

This radio station, the first ever dedicated to women's issues in the Palestinian media, was launched on March 8 2013, on the occasion of Women’s International Day, by a number of young Palestinian female journalists who wished to overcome the labor market congestion and lack of opportunities, as well as top challenge the social prejudgments regarding women’s work in the field of media and information.

Specific initiatives or programs on gender equality and women's rights

The radio works for:
• Establishment of the first integrated media network, using all traditional and modern means of communication to echo women's voice and advocate for their rights.
• Empower Palestinian women in the media and enable them to claim their rights and defend their causes.
• Communicate the voice of Palestinian women to the outside world, and highlight their distinctiveness and resilience.
• Addressing the issues of Palestinian women with great determination and passion to achieve their fair social demands.
• Addressing women's life issues and needs in society, even those considered as luxury.
• Highlighting the stories of successful Palestinian and Arab women, as model for Palestinian girls and women.

Working themes

Types of Violence
Culture / Sports / Leasure

Specific years of work experience in gender equality



Address : Gaza, Palestine, 00970 ,Palestinian Authority
Telephone : 00970598882342
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