Network of networks / Research and Education

Ilham Bettach

Member since 15.12.2021



Presentation of research activity or teaching

University Professor of English and Gender Studies
Gender Studies Researcher
Founding Director and Editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies: Contemporary Medusa
The journal mainly focuses on gender from an interdisciplinary perspective and publishes manuscripts that speak to the major issues in gender studies. The journal further adopts a gender equality agenda that aims at fostering women's empowerment and gender democracy.

Working themes

Civil and political rights
Types of Violence
Education / Professional training

Populations targeted by research

Students and researchers, Victims of violence, Other

Geographical sphere of activity


Specific years of work experience in gender equality


Main publications related to gender equality and women's rights

Gender Identity in Amazigh Textbooks: Teaching Inequality
School Dropouts among Girls from Rural Areas
Concepts of Justice and Injustice in the Gender Inheritance Debate: Felexibility as a Doctrine for Contemporary Ijtihad
Body Politic and Individual Liberty: Intimate Injustice
The Moroccan Constitution and Gender Equality: Issues of Implementation in Education
Minorities in Contemporaty Morocco: Persecution, Digital Intifada and Prospects of Secularization
Women, Power and Education in Morocco: Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion


Address : Braness 2, narjiss, Avenue les citronniers numéro 10 Tanger, 90060 ,Morocco
Telephone : 2120615554377
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