Network of networks / Association

International Organisation for Women in the Seafood Industry

Member since 16.12.2020



Mission and objectives

Vision of the WSI:
The WSI wants a seafood industry free of gender inequality, sexism and gender discrimination, where men and women have equal opportunities to build a socially sustainable industry.
Mission statement:
WSI's mission is to involve public and private actors in the seafood sector in a number of projects to create the necessary conditions for the adoption of gender-sensitive practices and tools.
WSI follows a threefold path: 1. raising awareness, 2. advocating for better understanding and 3. inspiring practical changes.

Main activities related to gender equality and women's rights

Collecting information on the world of aquatic products: fisheries, aquaculture, product processing, sales, etc.
Promoting women through a video competition highlighting the contribution of women in these worlds (
Publishing a global watch reporting on projects for the promotion of women in this industry.
Bringing together actors in the sector working to promote equality.

Geographical sphere of activity


Working themes

Economy / Employment
Education / Professional training

Target group(s)

Women entrepreneurs, Women artisans, Students and researchers

Specific years of work experience in gender equality



Address : 3 rue Euryale Dehaynin, 75019 ,France
Telephone : +33632622477
Adress email :
Website :