Network of networks / ermwf:university

Aix Marseille Université

Member since 04.06.2015



Mission and objectives

Djaouida Lassel is a PHD student in sociology at Aix Marseille University, attached to the Research Institute of Aix en Provence (IREMAM) in France. The draft of her thesis is: "The Associations of Women and Gender Inequality in Algeria".

Djaouida Lassel is also a research associate at the French Institute IRMC in Tunis and at the Algeria Studies Center (CEMA) in Maghreb.

Her basic training is: agroeconomist engineer, expert in local development and in engineering and international cooperation projects. Her research fields are: gender, studies on women rights, empowerment, women violence, local development, rural development and micro-credit and youth.

Djaouida Lassel is a former President of the Association of Rural Women in Algeria and a former Vice Premiere President of the African Network of Rural Women in Senegal.


Address : 5, Château du l' horloge Street BP 647, 13094 ,France
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