Network of networks / Research and Education

Charlène Lavoir

Member since 14.01.2016



Presentation of research activity or teaching

Sciences Po is an international research university, both selective and open onto the world, ranking among the finest institutions in the fields of humanities and social sciences.

Sciences Po is committed to promote real equality between women and men, of all the institution's public . Several programs are involved in gender equality.

-PRESAGE, a research and academic program on Gender thinking. Launched in 2010, this program introduce an outlook on gender to Sciences Po's educational and scientific project, influencing both research and acdemia.

- EGERA, effective gender equality in the research and the academia. The approach will notably support the operationalization of structural changes with both an intensive and extensive use of gender training, as an instrument for effective gender mainstreaming strategies. Mobilizing considerable gender expertise and relying upon multi-level women in science policy networks, EGERA will also put efforts into the dissemination of its outputs and achievements across the European Research Area.

- Womed, Women and the Mediterranean. A jury selects 22 promising young women - and will train to equality issues and leadership. They can spread the culture of equality. This program is funded by the Foreign Ministry , the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women's Rights . It has the label Union for the Mediterranean.


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