Network of networks / Association

European Anti-Violence Network (EAVN)

Member since 19.05.2015



Mission and objectives

European Anti-Violence Network (EAVN) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, founded in November 2006. EAVN' s activities include the design and implementation of research, educational or other scientific activities aimed at primary, secondary or tertiary prevention of violence against women and girls and especially Intimate Partner Violence.

Main activities related to gender equality and women's rights

EAVN carries out activities such as:
• Developing educational and sensitization material for teachers, health and social care professionals, adolescents, women survivors of violence and the general population.
• Designing, implementing and evaluating a) informational and awareness raising activities addressed to the public, b) primary and secondary prevention interventions addressed to children and adolescents and c) training seminars addressed to professionals of various disciplines as well as university students.
• Designing and conducting research.
• Provision of information and referral of women survivors of intimate partner violence to support services.
• Collaboration with other organizations in Europe for the implementation of projects, educational and other relevant activities
• Networking organizations active in prevention and combating of domestic violence.
• Monitoring of the adoption and implementation of national and European policies related to the prevention and combating of violence against women.

Geographical sphere of activity


Working themes

Education / Professional training
Types of Violence
Civil and political rights

Target group(s)

Students and researchers, Victims of violence, Other

Specific years of work experience in gender equality



Address : 12, Zacharitsa Street, 11742 ,Greece
Telephone : 0030 210 9225 491
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