Network of networks / Association

Portuguese Platform for Women' s Rights - PpDM (Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres)

Member since 19.05.2015



Mission and objectives

The "Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres" (PpDM) is an independent umbrella organisation of women' s human rights and gender equality NGO' s in Portugal, established in 2004 with the objective of fostering cooperation for collective reflection and action through several means, such as research, lobbying, dissemination of information, awareness-raising and training.

PpDM is the Portuguese Coordination of the European Women' s Lobby - EWL and of the Association of Women from Meridional Women - AFEM. PpDM is a member of the EU Civil Society Platform against trafficking and has Consultative Status by the UN ECOSOC. PpDM runs a house of associations in Portugal: Centro Maria Alzira Lemos - Casa das Associações.


Address : Centro Maria Alzira Lemos – Casa das Associações Parque Infantil do Alvito, Estrada do Alvito, Monsanto., 1300-054 ,Portugal
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