Employment / Position - - Euro-Mediterranean region

Spain: CLUSTER project is looking for a communication consultant

09.11.2021 / Created by IEMed

The European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), Lead Beneficiary of CLUSTER (“advanCing youth and women sociaL inclUSion in The MEditerRanean”) capitalisation project, has published a call for applications to fill in the position of communication expert with experience in cross-border cooperation projects.

The application must be sent by email to the following address: Ms. Karina Melkonian (CLUSTER Project Manager) – kmelkonian@iemed.org 

The deadline for submitting applications is 26 November 2021, 23:59hrs CET.

Click here for more information and here  to download Attachment A Form.


  • Type : Employment / Position
  • Deadline : 26/11/2021
  • Promoter : IEMed


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