Employment / Position - - Euro-Mediterranean region

Senior Trainer, Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality

22.09.2021 / Created by (EMWF)

Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality is looking for a Senior Trainer to coordinate and carry out a capacity building bootcamp on Developing critical thinking tools for youth and related issues. The bootcamp will include training, coaching and debate components - the aim of the bootcamp being to strengthen the critical thinking and assessment capacities of the participants, and to offer them exchange opportunities on relevant better practices. Participants will be as well assisted in the development and implementation of an idea in the framework of common action, on whose basis they have as well been selected, and which will be carried out in their respective countries.

At the beginning of the assignment, a briefing will be organised between Med Dialogue experts and the consultant to determine the provisional planning of the mission. The short-term mission of the Senior Trainer will comprise the following services:

  • Design, development, and delivery of a training course on “ Critical Thinking” for selected participants from the Mediterranean Region
  • Develop a list of 5 resources on “Critical Thinking” and related topics
  • Join the participants selection process: as a first activity of the short term assignment, in November 2021, the Senior trainer will be taking part in the selection of the candidates for the bootcamp, along with the Junior Facilitator and M&E Expert. He or she will remotely assess the candidates based on a list of pre-selected eligible candidates and an evaluation grid, prepared by the TA team. A selection Committee meeting chaired by the TA and gathering the 3 experts will be held online to share the results of the assessment and establish the final list of participants.
  • Develop agenda, training materials and evaluation form
  • Facilitate the regional bootcamp workshop – locations still to be determined – and possibility to conduct an online workshop depending on the Covid-19 situation.
  • Co-conceiving a 2-hours long public debate (speakers: Thinkers, educators, and social scientists) discussing about what is at stake, in the presence of the bootcamp’s participants.
  • Coach participants in better assessing their ideas for the common action. The Senior Trainer will work in partnership with a Junior Facilitator, in order specially to raise the good performance of the participants into the teamwork and finalize the conception and development of the common action.
  • Introduction to principles of sound operational management as well as of socially/environmentally responsible management of events,
  • Introduction to principles of social mobilisation and networking, awareness-raising and advocacy, activity quality follow-up, social media management.
  • Participate in a preparatory and possibly in a follow-up Webinar


28 September 2021


  • Type : Employment / Position
  • Deadline : 28/09/2021
  • Promoter : Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality


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