The COVID-19 pandemic and policy responses to its economic fallout have significantly undermined efforts to advance women’s economic justice. One year into the pandemic, it is now widely recognized that the pandemic, associated lockdowns and other containment measures have disproportionately impacted women, especially those experiencing other intersecting inequalities on the basis of race, class, gender identity, and location, amongst other factors.
The economic and social fallout of COVID-19 has made it clear that the current global economic model is not fit for the future. There is an urgent need for an inclusive, green, and just economy which recognizes, rewards and redistributes paid and unpaid care work. The pandemic and its subsequent economic fallout have also raised critical questions about the future of women’s decent work, in a rapidly changing economic system that is increasingly digitalized and automated. There are ongoing discussions on what an inclusive global economic recovery from COVID-19 should look like and on promising policy initiatives, but there are still gaps in understanding how these transformations might be implemented and scaled up in practice.
The journal Gender and Development is launching a new issue to hear from all those – of all backgrounds, ethnicities, nationalities, ages – who are engaged in ensuring women’s decent work and transforming care provision for a gender-responsive recovery to the COVID-19 pandemic.
For more information read their Call for Contributions: A Gender-Responsive Recovery: Ensuring Women’s Decent Work and Transforming Care Provision
Email your idea to
The deadline for submitting applications has been extended to 17 September 2021.
Note about Gender and Development:
Gender & Development, co-published by Oxfam and Routledge/Taylor & Francis, has been a steadfast source of essential readings in the field of development for the past 25 years. It foregrounds the experience of development practitioners, many from the global South, who have valuable experiences to share but who may face barriers to publishing in conventional journals. Since its founding in 1993, the journal has critically explored a range of cross-cutting issues in the areas of gender and development. It is a trailblazer in establishing inclusive and decolonialist approaches to knowledge creation and management in the wider international humanitarian and development sectors.
From 1st January 2022, a consortium of Oxfam affiliates in the global South will be hosting Gender & Development. Together, Oxfams Brazil, Colombia, India, KEDV (Turkey), Mexico and South Africa will take over from Oxfam Great Britain, which has provided the editorial home for the journal since its founding more than 25 years ago. This consortium will continue to maintain the journal’s editorial independence and strongly position Gender & Development as a journal that gives voice to the work of gender and development practitioners, policy makers, researchers, and feminist and grassroots activists and their organisations from around the globe.
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This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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